Program of complex rehabilitation for people with combat experience
Program of comprehensive rehabilitation for demobilized soldiers in a state of combat stress

1 000 000+
Ukrainian soldiers take part in the active phase of the war
3 000 000+
Ukrainians need help
More than 3 million Ukrainians (military personnel and their families) need immediate professional help for psycho emotional recovery, resocialization, and returning to a peaceful life
Uniqueness of the program
- Provides specialized psychotherapeutic care that belongs to the highest level of mental health interventions. It will be delivered by trauma therapist psychologists trained in trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (CBP) and EMDR.
- Includes diagnostics, processing of traumatic material (individuallyn and in a group), training in self-help skills, and strengthening of resilience through trauma growth. Self-help includes psychoeducation, stress management skills, and mindfulness.
- Conducts interventions at the physical, cognitive and emotional levels by a team of specialists in various fields: psychotherapists, rehabilitation therapists, neurologists, psychiatrists, etc.

Purpose of the "HEROES" program

The program provides for the integration of psycho-, physiotherapy, art therapy, and natural resource activities that will help prevent:

The development
Complications of grief reactions, depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders
Suicidal and deviant behavior
Gender-based violence in families and communities
Program stages
Physiological and psychological rehabilitation - unloading of the nervous system, restoration of sleep and natural biorhythms with the help of group and individual psychotherapy, kinesitherapy, body practices, physical education, natural recreation therapy, restoration of a stable daily routine, eating behavior, etc.
Psycho-emotional rehabilitation – art therapy, group and individual psychotherapy, natural tourism, visits to cultural and artistic monuments.
Resocialization – recovery of quality social communication skills, restoration of existing and establishment of new partnerships through family and group therapy sessions, active responsible participation in collective activities.
A team of specialists
Psychiatrist with a license to dispense drugs (treatment of acute mental disorders)
1 for each group
Psychotherapists(trauma therapist, CBT,EMDR)
2 for each group
Rehabilitation therapists/massage therapists (in body oriented areas of work, physical rehabilitation)
from 2 to 4 specialists for each group
Psychologists (work with partners of military personnel and leading joint groups to harmonize relationships in family and society)
2 for each group
Neurologist/neuropsychologist (rehabilitation after contusions and TBI)
1 for each group
Art-masters (sense-making for processing traumatic experience)
2 for each group
Case manager of social assistance consultations, (solving legal issues)
1 for each group
Coordinator-methodologist (program coordination, supervision of specialists)
1 for each group